Posts in New Moon
Rip + Tan Feature /// New Moon in Taurus

The last New Moon in Aries beckoned us to venture into the unknown, as Danielle Beinstein put it. An astrologer, meditation guide and spiritual advisor, she is talented when it comes to explaining what we should take from these special moons. This time, with a New Moon in Taurus—and a whopping five planets in retrograde—Danielle calls on us to assess the people we have become. We think about spring as a time of rebirth, but it’s also important to be introspective and notice how we’re treating our bodies and minds. Danielle—who leads women’s circles and cofounded New Moon Circle—poses some interesting questions, which I hope you take the time to think deeply about. Enjoy! XXJKE


Danielle Beinstein: Taurus is the gardener, the farm-to-table cook, the builder honing his craft over time. Sensual and earthy, it’s interested in what can be seen, felt and touched. This New Moon offers us a moment to reassess our current reality, especially with five planets in retrograde, including Mercury conjunct. It’s also part of a grand trine in earth, making soft aspects to transformative Pluto in Capricorn and beneficial Jupiter in Virgo (both retrograde as well), urging us to pause and integrate our values before moving forward. 

Retrogrades are not bad, despite the cultural insistence otherwise. They’re simply an opportunity to reevaluate, rethink and revise. With this much of the sky appearing in reverse (Mars and Saturn are also retrograde in Sagittarius), we’re being asked to take another look at our relationship to the physical world. 

Have you ever had the experience of revisiting a painting or landscape (or person) years after your first encounter only to find the effect has changed? It’s not the thing (or person) itself, but our perspective. What we see is different, because we’re different.

Or sometimes, the opposite occurs. Upon reacquaintance, we realize we’ve lost something along the way. Experience changes and wisens us, yes, but it can also pull us farther from our essential selves. 

This New Moon asks that we take the time to notice the people we’ve become. 

Where have we forgone pleasure and delight, ignoring simple needs and desires in favor of more pressing and immediate demands? How are we relating to our worldly possessions or lack thereof? Are we enjoying what we do have, grateful or are we consumed with what’s yet to manifest, running ragged on a proverbial treadmill? And how are we relating to our bodies? What are they revealing to us about our inner state? Are we loving them, or enslaving them in an effort to adhere to some external standard? And finally, are we taking in our own beauty, rooting ourselves in self-care practices that heal, nourish and sustain?

This is the time to rework or revisit what’s already been established, what’s already in existence, experiencing it with fresh eyes, hearts and hands. Set intentions, ground in the everyday and see what unfolds from there. After all, everything begins with us. 


For more on Danielle’s work, visit:

Art by Savannah Lauren King:


New Moon In Capricorn
Artwork by Savannah King from The New Moon Circle Journal 

Artwork by Savannah King from The New Moon Circle Journal 

"CAPRICORN new moon || Have you chosen your mountain? Capricorn is the goat, steadily climbing upwards towards its goal, lightening its load as it ascends. Wherever we have Cap in our chart is where we have to exert effort, where we experience limits and structure, where we must overcome. This New Moon, conjunct Pluto (deep transformation) and square Uranus (the lightening bolt) asks that we work with our fears as we journey onward. Venus is conjunct Saturn, which can deepen our feelings of insecurity and self-doubt. But take heart. This is all in service to mastery. Capricorn deals with integrity, karma. Are we in alignment (Capricorn rules the skeletal system, metaphorically and literally) as we take action steps in the direction of our dreams? Or are we stalled, petrified? We have everything we need inside of us. The key is to take the next step, whatever it is, and to put one foot in front of the other, while releasing the need to know, just exactly, how it will all pan out. And if it scares you, beautiful. How else are we supposed to grow and evolve?" Danielle Beinstein

New Moon in Sagittarius
artwork by Savannah King

artwork by Savannah King

S A G I T T A R I U S new moon |

"Sagittarius is the explorer, the philosopher, the wisdom seeker, storyteller and jester. This New Moon square Jupiter in Virgo offers us a powerful leap forward as we continue to chart our new course, post Saturn in Scorpio. Buoyed by faith, our dreams and a thirst for freedom, we're asked to look at our belief systems, the stories we tell ourselves and others as we venture forward, where we're drawing our inspiration from. There has been a lot of inflated, bombastic talk of late, a lot of posturing, much of it hate-filled and fear based. This is the dark side of Sagittarius, the preacher unchecked and run amok. The light is to be found in the larger arc which, as MLK so eloquently stated, bends towards justice. What is the story you're telling yourself, personally and globally? What is your belief system? What is your truth? Are they aligned? And where in your life can you lean into discernment, into wisdom and into your higher power as you set sail for unchartered waters, open to all that awaits you?" Danielle Beinstein

Artwork and insight from The New Moon Circle Journal 


Creating Sacred Space: A Full Moon Women’s Circle

Sunday, October 25 -- Creating Sacred Space: A Full Moon Women’s Circle

I'm so excited to have my dear friends and co-creators of The New Moon Circle Journal Danielle Beinstein and Paula Mallis in Brooklyn for this gathering.  

2-5pm at Maha Rose, 97 Green Street, #G3, Brooklyn, NY 11222

Throughout time, women have gathered during the New and Full Moons to support, heal and uplift one another. While New Moons are for new beginnings and setting intentions, the Full Moon is a time of great illumination, culmination and release. In this 3 hour workshop, we will learn how to hold space for each other as we let go what no longer serves us and align with our inner wisdom through meditation, intention and heartfelt sharing. Paula and Danielle have joyfully been leading circles in Venice, CA for the past 2 years and are delighted to bring their knowledge and experience to New York City. 
$65 pre-register | $75 day of

Sign Up Online