New Moon in Sagittarius
artwork by Savannah King
S A G I T T A R I U S new moon |
"Sagittarius is the explorer, the philosopher, the wisdom seeker, storyteller and jester. This New Moon square Jupiter in Virgo offers us a powerful leap forward as we continue to chart our new course, post Saturn in Scorpio. Buoyed by faith, our dreams and a thirst for freedom, we're asked to look at our belief systems, the stories we tell ourselves and others as we venture forward, where we're drawing our inspiration from. There has been a lot of inflated, bombastic talk of late, a lot of posturing, much of it hate-filled and fear based. This is the dark side of Sagittarius, the preacher unchecked and run amok. The light is to be found in the larger arc which, as MLK so eloquently stated, bends towards justice. What is the story you're telling yourself, personally and globally? What is your belief system? What is your truth? Are they aligned? And where in your life can you lean into discernment, into wisdom and into your higher power as you set sail for unchartered waters, open to all that awaits you?" Danielle Beinstein
Artwork and insight from The New Moon Circle Journal