Posts tagged sagittarius
Rip + Tan: New Moon in Sagittarius
artwork by Savannah King for New Moon Circle Journal

artwork by Savannah King for New Moon Circle Journal


"Faith and optimism are essential ingredients in the recipe of life. Without them, we risk homeostasis and depression, a kind of methodical drudgery. That being said, relying too much on faith can be a dangerous proposition, as we may lose sight of the need for organization and structure, the things that give our lives form. If we are to navigate this world successfully, we must marry faith with a healthy dose of skepticism. We must find our balance. 

Sagittarius is the explorer forever in search of new lands. This fiery, intuitive, and philosophical sign governs travel, publishing, higher education, religion, and the judicial system. Sometimes boastful and often very convincing, this sign knows how to make a statement and isn’t shy about voicing it. It’s also freedom-oriented to the core.

Still Saturn, the planet of karma and maturation, is currently transiting Sagittarius and will continue to do so until December of next year. Saturn is in stark contrast to Sagittarius’s ruler, Jupiter, planet of expansion, risk, and luck. Thus when Saturn transits this sign, we find our optimism tempered, our steps become more measured. This is further compounded by the fact that Jupiter is currently transiting Libra, sign of partnership, diplomacy, and balance. In short: The rubber is meeting the road. We are reconciling our desire for freedom with our need for partnership. Yet this lunation also contains a square to ethereal Neptune in Pisces, which dissolves whatever it touches. If this sounds confusing, it’s because it is. We have conflicting energies at play. And it’s up to us, as individuals, to reconcile them. 

What to do, then? Find our philosophy, our worldview. During this time, we may feel called to ask ourselves the following: What do we believe? Who do we believe in? What is the nature of our faith? And can we ground in it? “If you’re invested in security and certainty, you’re on the wrong planet,” Pema Chodron is quoted saying. Nevertheless, having a framework for our life can give us solace in these tumultuous times. It can anchor us in the here and now as we continue, step by step and day by day, to march in the direction of our dreams. As with anything, it comes down, always, to our lens. So the question is: What do you believe?"

-Danielle Beinstein

FULL MOON in Sagittarius

artwork by Savannah KIng

SAGITTARIUS Full Moon | Sagittarius is the explorer, the wisdom seeker, the story weaver, forever in search of new lands, literally and/or metaphorically. This Full Moon, conjunct Mars retrograde and opposite the witty, curious, chatty Sun in Gemini and Venus in earthy, weighted Taurus packs a punch. Seemingly frustrated by our lack of forward movement (4 planets retrograde still), we may feel the desire to preach or "tell it like it is." But there are many sides to a story, and righteousness, while sometimes admirable, rarely leads to deeper connection (Donald Trump was born during a Sagittarius Full Moon). There is a strong divide in the sky, a you vs. me mentality reigns supreme. Where in our lives are we determined to be right, no matter the cost? What if we reframed our position, spun it from another view? What are the stories we're telling ourselves about who and what we are, the possibilities of our lives and our values? And how can we continue to adapt, recognizing that certainty is an illusion, born from fear? "Life will be a great and continuous unfolding," Cheryl Strayed wrote. What's the latest chapter?

Insight by Danielle Beinstein and The New Moon Circle

New Moon in Sagittarius
artwork by Savannah King

artwork by Savannah King

S A G I T T A R I U S new moon |

"Sagittarius is the explorer, the philosopher, the wisdom seeker, storyteller and jester. This New Moon square Jupiter in Virgo offers us a powerful leap forward as we continue to chart our new course, post Saturn in Scorpio. Buoyed by faith, our dreams and a thirst for freedom, we're asked to look at our belief systems, the stories we tell ourselves and others as we venture forward, where we're drawing our inspiration from. There has been a lot of inflated, bombastic talk of late, a lot of posturing, much of it hate-filled and fear based. This is the dark side of Sagittarius, the preacher unchecked and run amok. The light is to be found in the larger arc which, as MLK so eloquently stated, bends towards justice. What is the story you're telling yourself, personally and globally? What is your belief system? What is your truth? Are they aligned? And where in your life can you lean into discernment, into wisdom and into your higher power as you set sail for unchartered waters, open to all that awaits you?" Danielle Beinstein

Artwork and insight from The New Moon Circle Journal