New Mama Stone Medicine Kit

New Mama Stone Medicine Kit


A curated set of stones to support the new mama. Energetically cleansed and charged in Topanga Canyon.

Each medicine pouch is handmade with soft genuine leather and grosgrain ribbon.


to find rhythm with new sleep patterns, sync with the moon’s cycles, ease anxiety and surrender to the flow of life as a mama

Rainbow Opal

to rewrite your story from the womb of infinite possibility, it’s wonderful gift for your child with this stone when they get older


the divine mother, a beautiful ally during conception, pregnancy and postpartum

Rose Quartz Egg

for self love and compassion, wherever you are on your journey


mother of the stone kingdom, ancestral healing, nourishing and grounding

*Crystals are in their natural form so expect slight variations in your set from the photos shown here.

Stone information cards are provided with the set. And the stones are wrapped in silk cloth inside the medicine bag so they won’t scratch each other.

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