New Moon in Aquarius
Artwork by Savannah King from The New Moon Circle Journal
"New Moon in Aquarius | Aquarius is the innovator, the humanitarian and out-of-the box thinker determined to express themselves in new and surprising ways. This new moon, square intense and strategic Mars in Scorpio and sextile changemaker Uranus is that push forward we've been building towards. It also marks the Chinese New Year (and the year of the 🐵). We may feel angry or frustrated today as tension builds. But like anything, these feelings are only trying to communicate a deeper truth. Where are we headed when the dam breaks? Where is the current taking us? Can we flow with it, embracing change and new beginnings? Or will we fight what is, clinging to shore? And what's the wider angle here as we pull back the lens and, like the butterfly, take flight?" Danielle Beinstein